The Impact of Video Unlock For

Find out how Kinase doubled's average watch time and achieved a 43% view rate using Video Unlock.

Challenge had consistently experienced engagement rates exceeding industry norms over an extended period, boasting view rates of 20% and CTRs of 0.18% on YouTube. However, following the findings of a brand lift study, which revealed that a significant portion of users were already well-acquainted with, there emerged a pressing demand for compelling creative content. This need became particularly apparent after almost a year of using nearly identical assets.


Kinase proposed Video Unlock as a solution. Currently in a testing stage, Video Unlock is an opportunity for advertisers partnering with Google to receive a custom YouTube-first video ad that follows YouTube best practices.

Video Unlock not only generates highly effective assets but also leverages Google's capabilities, enabling the client to adapt and repurpose these assets across various social media platforms. This not only results in cost savings but also significantly boosts cross-channel synergy for the client.


As part of Video Unlock, there was a minimum spend commitment with Google which was already within’s media plan. Due to this they received the assets at no added cost. This strategic move led to a significant surge in view rates, enabling to fully leverage their creative refresh.

The results were remarkable, with a view rate of 43%, tripling the industry average, and doubling the average watch time. Moreover, over 50% of viewers engaged with the content until the very end, showcasing the effectiveness of this approach.


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